Return Policy
We have a 7-day return policy. If you want to return or exchange an item please contact us at with a detailed description of what you want to return, the reason for the return, plus your order number, address, and full name. Any claim outside the 7 days will not be accepted.
**For returns the customer will bear shipping costs and any associated bank fees or commissions incurred resulting from the reimbursement wire transfer.
Make sure the parcel is securely sealed, to avoid any damage.
All items must be returned through our logistics partner Fedex.
To track your return, save the tracking ID on the return shipping label. We will send you the shipping label and credit note to join the parcel. Insert the document in the pouch and stick it to the parcel. The label must be clearly visible. The customer must take the parcel to the closest Fedex Access Point for delivery. We can provide you with this information from your postcode data.
To be eligible for a return, all returns have to be shipped back to us within 7 days of delivery in their original condition, with all tags attached. Otherwise, the return cannot be accepted.